LGBT Market Research Services

The LGBT market is still emerging. Yet competitive elements are already developing within certain sectors. How do your products and services compare to the competition? How can you best compete (or cooperate)? Where does your growth potential lie, and how can you emerge as a leader?


Feasibility: Market Size and Scope

First, toss out your assumptions. There is no singular LGBT market. However, there are LGBT markets—and many of them. Today, LGBT marketing is about segmentation and stratification. Gays and lesbians want to be reached on a personal level, according to individual interests and preferences.

Research and analysis provides the blueprint. It’s key to product development and marketing communication. It’s a basis for board/investor presentations and a roadmap for cooperative partnerships. It helps you identify the growth potential of LGBT market segments, before you budget. We customize and design research to inform all of your critical decisions, and dramatically increase their effectiveness.

The Strongest Lists

Our research efforts start with the strongest lists of LGBT and lesbian consumers, anywhere. Data includes gender, age, income, locale, relationship status, interests, motivations and other parameters. We collect info and permission for further contact. Our proprietary lists grow and are refined constantly. They are so strong that we can often deliver well over a thousand qualified responses within ten business days.

Click here to download CMI's Approach to Market Research.


Market Research Methodology

For any project, we select the most appropriate combination of these and other proven methods.

  • Custom web-based surveys
    We craft in-depth surveys to reveal unique information that applies specifically to your brand, your market and your competition. We build the surveys using state-of-the art software, and distribute them via our own proprietary lists.
  • Focus groups
    We pre-qualify candidates using our survey software, then hone in on a focused cross section of customer experiences. We facilitate sessions of 8-12 participants in dedicated venues in key markets such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City and others as required (you’re welcome to observe). Savvy gay and/or lesbian consumers provide qualitative depth and perspective to what we learn from quantitative surveys.
  • Field surveys, exit surveys and customer service surveys
    These techniques further round out our understanding of your gay and lesbian customers, taking advantage of specific timing, places and situations that can reveal important intelligence.
  • Gay & Lesbian Advisory Boards
    Advisory boards, built from among your gay and lesbian customers, will be among the most powerful, cost-effective resources in your LGBT marketing plan. They provide nearly instant feedback on positioning, products and marketing. They will help you brainstorm promotions, branding, communications, customer service issues, and even how to spin media challenges.


Thanks to our unsurpassed experience and proprietary data resources, we don't have to reinvent the wheel at your expense. Instead, we earn your trust with our well-earned reputation for delivering what we promise on time and within budget. It's part of why we have a client base of market leaders.

Contact Community Marketing, Inc. for more information or a project quote:
Email or call us at 415/437-3800



Community Marketing, Inc. • 584 Castro St. #834 • San Francisco, CA 94114-2512 USA
Tel 415/437-3800 • Fax 415/552-5104 • [email protected]
Community Marketing, Inc. ©2010. All rights reserved.